Ratlou FM
Ratlou FM 100.4 MHz is a youth-oriented radio station that broadcast from Madibogo in North West province.
Type of company: | Community Radio Station |
Primary business: | Sales and dvertising |
Services: | Radio Sales production, Outside Broadcast, Social Welfare programmes, Events Management/ Marketing, Inspirational Motivation |
Employees: | 20 |
Contact: | Ratlou FM 100.4 MHz |
Tel: | 018 011 1082 |
Cell: | 0781724005 |
Web address: | www.ratloufm.org.za |
Physical address: | 100001 NWK Silo building, Madibogo Station, Madibogo, Mahikeng, North West, 2772 |
Postal address: | P O Box 664, Madibogo station, Madibogo, Mahikeng, North West, 2772 |